Hello :) Today is Day 95!
A quick summary of today:
- learned how a GNN layer is constructed and operates (XCS224W: ML with Graphs)
- became a fellow of the Royal Statistical Society (I thought I already was)
Lecture 2.2 GNN Design Space
Covered topics: Designing a single layer of a GNN, message computation, aggregation, GCN, GraphSAGE, GAT, attention and multi-head attention in graphs, stacking GNN layers, the problem of over-smoothing, shallow GNNs, using skip connections
Becoming a fellow of the Royal Statistical Society
I was registered as a student in the RSS and I thought I was like a regular member, but apparently I needed to register as a proper ‘Fellow’. Going forward I see there are events that they organise, and have some courses on statistics through which I can climb the pyramid
Also, for a bit I tried making a discord server for study groups and discussions between students of the XCS224W course, so far noone wanted to join. I am not sure how they usually do study groups, but we will see.
That is all for today!
See you tomorrow :)