(Day 93) Node embeddings in graphs + some foundational statistics/math

Ivan Ivanov · April 3, 2024

Hello :) Today is Day 93!

A quick summary of today:

First, my notes from lecture 1.2 Node embeddings for graphs

Covered topics: node embeddings: encoder and decoder, random walk, unsupervised feature learning, random walk optimization, negative sampling, node2vec, anonymous walks, learning walk embeddings

Next, from Probabilistic ML: An introduction by Kevin Murphy

Chapter 5: Decision theory

Covered topics: classification problems, ROC curve, Precision-Recall curves, F-scores, Regression problems

Chapter 6: Information theory

Covered topics: entropy, entropy of discrete random variables, cross entropy, conditional entropy, perplexity

Chapter 7: Linear algebra

Covered topics: notations(vectors, matrices, tensors, vector spaces, linear map, properties), matrix multiplication, inversion, EVD, SVD

Tomorrow, I believe I will continue with the 1.3 lecture from XCS224W: PageRank, Personalised PageRank and Matrix Factorization.

That is all for today!

See you tomorrow :)