(Day 7) Applying the time series knowledge to practice

Ivan Ivanov · January 8, 2024

Hello :) Today is Day 7!

A quick summary of today:

Following yesterday’s Kaggle time series course, I decided to apply what I learned. The links go to the Kaggle notebooks for each model. Below I will try to provide an overview of both.

WON/USD exchange rate prediction model

Data image

I used simple interpolation to deal with missing data points image

Feature engineering lag_1 - made 1 day behind lag feature image

Model evaluation R-squared: 0.9941 Mean Squared Error: 63.3640 Mean Absolute Error: 4.6090

Homoscedasticity check image

The model results seem good, but I know that the used features are not that good because I only use lag_1 (I just applied what I learned yesterday)

Seoul Bike Rental Demand

Looked to do time series forecast using Seoul Bicycle Demand Data, which includes daily and hourly information and weather information on bicycles rented in Seoul. The goal was to construct a basic linear regression model that integrates seasonal features and holiday information.

Some data viz image image

Checked for a trend (seems like there is not) image

Seasonality check image image

Seems there is annual, and no daily.

After adding seasonality features, the model results: image

Also made a 2nd model, that includes holiday data: image



That is all for today!

See you tomorrow :)

Original post in Korean