(Day 345) Using Apache Iceberg for a WAP exercise

Ivan Ivanov Β· December 11, 2024

Hello :) Today is Day 345!

A quick summary of today:

  • new video by Zach Wilson
  • new video by me ?!?!?

The Write-Audit-Publish pattern


Zach mentioned there won’t be a lab for this lecture and given how much Apache Iceberg content I have been consuming the last week I decided to give it a go and create some kind of exercise. Especially, since I had read a random blog post about branching in iceberg. Ultimately, I learned a lot about the practical side of WAP. Even if my implementation and example were super simple πŸ˜†

Here is my video

Every time I decide to record a video for something I do not remember how draining it is since I am so slow when it comes to editing πŸ˜† and I can’t edit well either πŸ˜† so in terms of practicing writing code and also explaining things in a beginner-friendly way πŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ’― it is worth it. But after the recording is done, it is soo draining for me πŸ˜†

That is all for today!

See you tomorrow :)