(Day 3) Intro to time series

Ivan Ivanov · January 4, 2024

Hello :) Today is Day 3!

A quick summary of today:

  • learning about time series predictions
  • Beginner ML course by Microsoft

Time series prediction is a technique for predicting future values based on given historical data, and it is used in various applications, and is useful in various fields such as finance, production, and health.

To predict time series, Prophet, developed by Facebook, is simple to use and provides strong performance.


I also found Microsoft’s ML-for-beginners, and the content includes pre-electrical quiz-lecture-post-factual assistance. I couldn’t find the time today that much, so I can only do 1-Introduction, but I will try to do it every week from now on.

That is all for today!

See you tomorrow :)

Original post in Korean