(Day 28) Diving deeper into Convolutional Neural Networks

Ivan Ivanov · January 29, 2024

Hello :) Today is Day 28!

A quick summary of today:

Today’s material was a bit hard, but still fun ^^

I learned about widely used CNN architectures (LeNet, AlexNet, VGG-16, ResNet, MobileNets)

1. Basics

image image image

depending on the filter hyperparam, we can learn different features


During training, the w1….w9 parameters can be learned, allowing us to know the different features of the image


If you look at this picture, the model is composed of a conv layer and a pool layer. Among the pool layers, there are average and max layers, and the calculation is different.

If I want to learn more about architectures, I will need to read some research papers.

2. Widely used CNN architectures

  • LeNet image 7 layers: 3 conv, 2 pooling, 2 dense. Used for handwritten digit recognition

  • AlexNet image 8 layers: 5 conv, max-pooling layer, 3 dense

  • VGG-16 image image conv + pool + dense layers

  • ResNet image different architectures: ResNet-18, ResNet-50, ResNet-101, and ResNet-152

ResNet’s ‘skip connections’ allowed us to train deeper learning neural network model.

3. Other

There is big cost difference.

I need to apply what I learned today in Kaggle some day.

That is all for today!

See you tomorrow :)

Original post in Korean