(Day 258) Math exercises in ML

Ivan Ivanov · September 15, 2024

Hello :) Today is Day 258!

A quick summary of today:

  • meeting to continue workijg on LingoMate (the hackathon project)
  • starting the Execises in ML booklet

Firstly, about LingoMate

Jieun, my partner during the 2-day Seoul Tech Impact Hackathon last weekend, organised myself and a 3rd person (Sangwook) who was also a participant in the hackathon who expressed interest in working with us to continue developing LingoMate. We met through google meets, introduced ourselves and our hopes for the project. I actually wanted to go to Seoul to meet in-person, as both of them live and work there, but because its the holidays right now, everything is booked so we settled on meeting online today. The tldr of the meeting is that we are excited to work together and conitnue the project, and also that adding speech interaction is good and an important improvement. Here is an org on GitHub for the project.

Secondly, math exercises in ML

Yesterday I mentioned I created a small booklet of a ~200 page called Pen & Paper: Exercises in ML that’s all about different math used throughout different parts of ML. Today I started with chapter 1, and below are my notes. It is about proving different concepts. Not knowing the proof seems to be completely fine, but knowing, for example, the proof behind why the determinant of a diagonal matrix is the product of its eigenvalues just gives a bit more depth into understanding the math behind everything.

Linear algebra P1 Linear algebra P2 Linear algebra P3 Linear algebra P4 Linear algebra P5 Linear algebra P6 Linear algebra P7

That is all for today!

See you tomorrow :)