(Day 226) Your Personal Finance Assistant

Ivan Ivanov · August 14, 2024

Hello :) Today is Day 226!

A quick summary of today:

  • finishing and documenting the personal finance assistant project

The full information and code is on my github, and below I will give some info about today’s improvements.

I added a prepare_data.py script

For reproducability, I prepared a script that takes the raw dataset, preprocesses it, indexes, creates description - all files needed for the UI to work, and outputs it to the folder where they can be directly read by the app.

Added a Makefile for easy setup

Usage: make [option]

  help                 Show this help message
  install              Install dependencies
  data                 Prepare data for the app (will overwrite any existing data)
  start                Start app
  del-audio            Delete any generated audio files

The last option is because the google TTS creates 3 mp3 files (for the welcome msg, user audio input and AI output), so for easy cleanup - all are deleted.

Switched to a different streamlit mic recorder

I was using another 3rd party mic input module, but it did not look very well in the UI and it did not work sometimes.



It had all these buttons and while recording, a big audio box appears.

The new one


A simple button that even changes text from - Start Audio to Stop Audio (and I can edit it). Bottom line - it provides better user experience.

Added prompt validity check

If the user inputs something that does not seem logical, or related to transactions, or even ‘…a u h’ (random letters) or if the transcribed audio is random letters because of some noise, the input first goes through gpt4o-mini to check whether:

  • it is related to transactions
  • related to the chat history
  • not random letters

Maybe there is a better way to do it, but at the moment the code is:

def check_valid_prompt(user_text_query: str, chat_history: List[Dict[str, str]]) -> str:
    Check if the user query is valid and related to finance transactions.
    check_prompt = f"You are a personal finance assistant. Here is the conversation history so far: {chat_history}\n\nDoes the below user query look correct and related to finance transactions and the chat history? Answer with 'Yes' or 'No':\n\n{user_text_query}"
    gpt4omini = gpt_client()
    response = gpt4omini.chat.completions.create(
        messages=[{"role": "user", "content": check_prompt}]
    llm_check_response = response.choices[0].message.content
    return llm_check_response

Added project info

  • Used Dataset - Kaggle
  • Database - SQLite
  • LLM - OpenAI’s GPT
  • Audio Transcription Model - openai/whisper-small from HuggingFace
  • RAG pipeline - LlamaIndex
  • Monitoring/Tracing - Azire Pheonix
  • User Interface - Streamlit

UI example usage:


Monitoring example:


Created a project diagram:


Recorder a short demo

Unfortunately, the demo is best seen in the repo itself.

That is all for today!

See you tomorrow :)