(Day 207) Finished with neo4j (for now) and thinking about fraud detection models

Ivan Ivanov · July 26, 2024

Hello :) Today is Day 207!

A quick summary of today:

  • setting up neo4j
  • reading some papers on bank telemarketing classification

Firstly, about the Kukmin Bank (KB) AI competition project We set up the database on my partner’s laptop

  • insert CreditCard nodes
  • insert Merchant nodes
  • insert Transaction edge

We also had a look at the final EDA notebook.

At the moment the repo looks like:


As for next steps, we will start developing models, and try to get something that can identify Fraud transactions well. And more importantly, explainability - what features help the model determine that a transaction is fraud. So we will start with some basic models like logistic reg, decision trees, random forest, then add hyperparam tuning, over/undersampling, etc. And try to get a model that detects Fraud well.

As I want to try out a GNN for this project’s model. I saw there is a GNNExplainer by torch-geometric, so I need to try using it in practice and see if the explainability it provides is good enough for our project.

Secondly, reading papers on bank telemarketing classification


I put 5 papers that use Portuguese Bank telemarketing data and approach it from different perspectives. Tomorrow I will present it to a professor that is advising this paper idea by one of my lab mates.

That is all for today!

See you tomorrow :)