(Day 175) Learning about and using dbt cloud

Ivan Ivanov · June 24, 2024

Hello :) Today is Day 175!

A quick summary of today:

  • basic SQL in BigQuery
  • continued Module 4: analytics engineering and dbt from the data eng camp and learned about dbt

There were some bits from Module 3 that I did not finish. About using BigQuery to create a partitioned and clustered dataset and see the impact it has on processed data.

Using the infamous nyc taxi dataset, I executed some simple queries on creating external datasets in BigQuery and could see the effect of partitioning and clustering

First create a non-partitioned and partitioned table in BigQuery


The dataset is by dates so we are using one of the datetime columns to partition by it. Below we can see a significant drop in processed data when doing a simple WHERE between dates on the non-partitioned vs partitioned tables.

I faced an issue here because when creating the partitioned data, in BigQuery there is a table details section where it says 0 partitions. And I was really confused because the data I was partitioning is 10GB and I saw that for other people it says there are partitions there. But for me it says 0. I kept rerunning and changing/uploading more data.


But it turns out that even though it says 0 partitions in the Number of partitions part, my dataset was indeed partitioned and the results were clear (as in the pic)


And finally a table that is both partitoned and clustered, and there is a decreased in processed MB of data in the two same queries as well.


Now onto Module 4

First I learned about ETL vs ELT



  • slightly more stable and compliant data analysis
  • higher storage and compute costs


  • faster and more flexible data analysis
  • lower cost and lower maintenance

Then - Kimball’s dimensional modelling


  • deliver data understandable to the business users
  • deliver fast query performance


  • prioritise user understandability and query performance over non redundant data (3NF)

Other approaches:

  • Bill Inmon
  • Data vault

Elements of Dimensional Modelling

Facts tables

  • measurements, metrics or facts
  • corresponds to a business process
  • ‘verbs’

Dimensions tables

  • corresponds to a business entity
  • provides context to a business process
  • ‘nouns’

Architecture of Dimensional Modelling

Stage area

  • contains raw data
  • not meant to be exposed to everyone

Processing area

  • from raw data to data models
  • focuses on efficiency
  • ensuring standards

Presentation area

  • final presentation of the data
  • exposure to business stakeholders

What is dbt?


It is a transformation workflow that allows anyone that knows SQL to deploy analytics code following software engineering best practices like modularity, portability, CI/CD, and documentation.

Workflow we will use:


Creating a new dbt project

This took some time to figure out creating right folders and access to my repo, but in the end:


When creating a new project there are sample dbt data models (with its lineage)


Anatomy of a dbt model


Materialisations in dbt cloud

  • Ephermal - temporary and exist only for a duration of a single dbt run
  • View - virtual tables created by dbt that can be queried like regular tables
  • Table - physical representations of data that are created and stored in the database
  • Incremental - powerful feature of dbt that allow for efficient updates to existing tables, reducing the need for full data refreshes

In dbt we will select FROM two types


  • the data loaded to our datawarehouse that we use as sources for our models
  • configuration defined in the yml files in the models folder
  • used with the source macro that will resolve the name to the right schema, plus build the dependencies automatically source freshness can be defined and tested


  • CSV files stored in our repo under the seed folder
  • benefits of version controlling
  • equivalent to a copy command
  • recommended for data that does not change frequently (and is not huge)
  • runs with dbt seed -s file_name


  • macro to reference the underlying tables and views that were building the data warehouse
  • run the same code in any environment, it will resolve the correct schema for us
  • dependencies are built automatically

Now onto creating my 1st model

In the models folder, create a new folder and in it a .yml file


The names in this yml file come from my BigQuery dataset


By clicking on ‘Generate model’ above the -name: green_tripdata, we get


To run this, we use dbt build and dbt executes the models in order of the folders. Then, the below is seen: (ignoring the failed test)


Next, I learned about Macros

  • use control structures (i.e. if statements and for loops) in SQL
  • use env vars in our dbt project for production deployments
  • operate on the results of one query to generate another query
  • abstract snippets of SQL into reusable macros - these are analogous to functions in most programming languages

Creating a macro (reminds me of excel VBA in high school with the macro syntax)


Then we can use it as a normal function in our models

Then, I learned about packages

  • like libraries in other programming languages
  • standalone dbt projects, with models and macros that tackle a specific problem area
  • by adding a package to a project, the package’s models and macros will become part of that project
  • imported in the packages.yml file and imported by running dbt deps

We can add packages to packages.yml file which lives on the same level as our dbt_project.yml

Then run with dbt deps

Then we can use functions from these packages in our data models.

Once we run models, we can also see their results in BigQuery as well:

Then, I learned about variables

  • useful for defining values that should be used across the project
  • with a macro, dbt allows us to provide data to models for compilation
  • to use a variable, we use the function
  • variables can be defined in two ways:
    • in the dbt_project.yml, or
    • in the command line


When we do dbt build this_model and we provide the var is_test_run, there will be a limit 100 added.

Next, after adding a model for the yellow_tripdata, the project’s data lineage looks like:

After adding a seed data, and creating a model for it as well, we can combine all and get something that looks a bit more modular

Here is an example error that shows some details

After fixing ~ Nice

I am finishing up now ~ and this is how the folder system looks

and I can push directly to my github, which is awesome. Everything is on my repo.

This is not all for Module 4, tomorrow hopefully I will cover the rest ^^

That is all for today!

See you tomorrow :)