(Day 16) Quiz and practical lab from Andrew Ng's course

Ivan Ivanov · January 17, 2024

Hello :) Today is Day 16!

A quick summary of today:

  • Finished Stanford/DeepLearning.AI’s Machine learning specialization

Firstly, let me share the final specialization certificate


As for the learned content

Today I learned about reinforcement learning for the 1st time, and thanks to Andrew Ng it was absolutely enjoyable


State means action


Return just like in finance, is an important word


Policy tells us which action to take given a state

image image

Depending on the discount factor the model’s impatience changes


Bellman equation - It is the return if you start from state s, take action a (once), then behave optimally after that


How should I choose the behaviour correctly while training? At first, Andrew Ng said that it would be good to choose a high probability of random behavioural choice and then gradually lower it while training

From tomorrow, I will start preparing for the TensorFlow developer certificate which I found about today

That is all for today!

See you tomorrow :)

Original post in Korean