(Day 102) Label propagation in ML with Graphs

Ivan Ivanov · April 12, 2024

Hello :) Today is Day 102!

A quick summary of today:

  • continued with XCS224W: ML with Graphs and covered the next part - Label propagation

Before I share my notes, I saw that all the 3 major cloud providers - AWS, GCP and Azure have beginner cloud certification. But I am yet to decide in which one to invest more time and eventually money for the exam. One the one hand, yes it is basic intro to the respective company’s cloud platform, but it also can show some initiative and show that I know at least something about the cloud to potential employers. I made post on 2 subredits (learnmachinelearning and deeplearning) and asked on 2 discord servers, but so far not many people voted, but AWS seems to be winning. I will keep this certification in mind.

Besides that, continued with the XCS224W: ML with graphs course and covered the next module which is about label propagation, and below are my notes.

Covered topics: correlations in networks (homophily and influence), how do we leverage node correlations in networks, label propagation, problems with LP and GNNs, Correct & Smooth, Masked label prediciton









That is all for today!

See you tomorrow :)